Tuesday, September 01, 2015

ISTQB Foundation Sample Question Paper No. 19

Q. 1: Drivers are tools used to control and operate the software being tested.

A. True
B. False

Q. 2: Typical defects discovered by static analysis includes
A. Programming standard violations
B. Referring a variable with an undefined value
C. Security vulnerabilities
D. All Above

Q. 3: EULA stands for
A. End Usability License Agreement
B. End User License Agreement
C. End User License Arrangement
D. End User License Attachment

Q. 4: is a very early build intended for limited distribution to a few key customers and
to marketing for demonstration purposes.
A. Alpha release
B. Beta release
C. Test release document
D. Build

Q. 5: CAST stands for
A. Computer Aided Software Testing
B. Computer Aided Software Tools
C. Computer Analysis Software Techniques
D. None

Q. 6: The tool modifies the program code or manipulates the operating environment in any way is considered non-invasive
A. True
B. False

Q. 7: Which test may not mimic real world situations?
A. Functional testing
B. Structural Testing
C. All of the above
D. None of the above

Q. 8: includes both Black box and White Box Testing features
A. Gray Box Testing
B. Hybrid Testing
C. A. & B.
D. None

Q. 9: Exhaustive testing is possible
A. True
B. False

Q. 10: Tool which stores requirement statements, check for consistency and allow requirements to
be prioritized and enable individual tests to be traceable to requirements, functions and features.

A. Incident management tools
B. Requirements management tools
C. Configuration management tools
D. None

Q. 11: The number of tests to test all control statements equals the cyclomatic complexity
A. True
B. False

Q. 12: Boundary value analysis can only be used during white-box testing.
A. True
B. False

Q. 13: Which of these are objectives for software testing?
A. Determine the productivity of programmers
B. Eliminate the need for future program maintenance
C. Eliminate every error prior to release
D. Uncover software errors

Q. 14: Failure is
A. Incorrect program behaviour due to a fault in the program
B. Bug found before product Release
C. Bug found after product Release
D. Bug found during Design phase

Q. 15: During the software development process, at what point can the test process start?
A. When the code is complete.
B. When the design is complete.
C. When the software requirements have been approved.
D. When the first code module is ready for unit testing

Q. 16: "How much testing is enough?"
A. This question is impossible to answer
B. This question is easy to answer
C. The answer depends on the risk for your industry, contract and special requirements
D. This answer depends on the maturity of your developers

Q. 17: Which of the following tools would be involved in the automation of regression test?
A. Data tester
B. Boundary tester
C. Capture/Playback
D. Output comparator.

Q. 18: Incorrect form of Logic coverage is:
A. Statement Coverage
B. Pole Coverage
C. Condition Coverage
D. Path Coverage

Q. 19: Code Coverage is used as a measure of what?
A. Defects
B. Trends analysis
C. Test Effectiveness
D. Time Spent Testing

Q. 20: Fault Masking is
A. Error condition hiding another error condition
B. Creating a test case which does not reveal a fault
C. Masking a fault by developer
D. Masking a fault by a tester

Q. 21: Which of the following is not a quality characteristic listed in ISO 9126
A. Functionality
B. Usability
C. Supportability
D. Maintainability

Q. 22: One Key reason why developers have difficulty testing their own work is:
A. Lack of technical documentation
B. Lack of test tools on the market for developers
C. Lack of training
D. Lack of Objectivity
Q. 23: Statement Coverage will not check for the following.
A. Missing Statements
B. Unused Branches
C. Dead Code
D. Unused Statement

Q. 24: Given the Following program
IF X <>= Z
THEN Statement 2;
McCabe’s Cyclomatic Complexity is :
A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 5

Q. 25: To test a function, the programmer has to write a , which calls the function to
be tested and passes it test data.
A. Stub
B. Driver
C. Proxy
D. None of the above

Q. 26: Pick the best definition of quality
A. Quality is job one
B. Zero defects
C. Conformance to requirements
D. Work as designed

Q. 27: Boundary value testing
A. Is the same as equivalence partitioning tests
B. Test boundary conditions on, below and above the edges of input and output equivalence classes
C. Tests combinations of input circumstances
D. Is used in white box testing strategy

Q. 28: An input field takes the year of birth between 1900 and 2004
The boundary values for testing this field are
A. 0,1900,2004,2005
B. 1900, 2004
C. 1899,1900,2004,2005
D. 1899, 1900, 1901,2003,2004,2005

Q. 29: How many test cases are necessary to cover all the possible sequences of statements (paths) for the following program fragment? Assume that the two conditions are independent of each other:
if (Condition 1) then statement 1 else statement 2 fi
if (Condition 2) then statement 3 fi
A. 2 Test Cases
B. 3 Test Cases
C. 4 Test Cases
D. Not achievable

Q. 30: A common test technique during component test is
A. Statement and branch testing
B. Usability testing
C. Security testing
D. Performance testing

Q. 31: In a review meeting a moderator is a person who
A. Takes minutes of the meeting
B. Mediates between people
C. Takes telephone calls
D. Writes the documents to be reviewed

Q. 32: Acceptance test cases are based on what?
A. Requirements
B. Design
C. Code
D. Decision table

Q. 33: Which one of the following are non-functional testing methods?
A. System testing
B. Usability testing
C. Performance testing
D. Both B & C

Q. 34: Independent Verification & Validation is
A. Done by the Developer
B. Done by the Test Engineers
C. Done By Management
D. Done by an Entity Outside the Project’s sphere of influence

Q. 35: Defect Management process does not include
A. Defect prevention
B. Deliverable base-lining
C. Management reporting
D. None of the above

Q. 36: Which of the following could be a reason for a failure
1) Testing fault
2) Software fault
3) Design fault
4) Environment Fault
5) Documentation Fault
A. 2 is a valid reason; 1,3,4 & 5 are not
B. 1,2,3,4 are valid reasons; 5 is not
C. 1,2,3 are valid reasons; 4 & 5 are not
D. All of them are valid reasons for failure

Q. 37: Test are prioritized so that:
A. You shorten the time required for testing
B. You do the best testing in the time available
C. You do more effective testing
D. You find more faults

Q. 38: When a new testing tool is purchased, it should be used first by:
A. A small team to establish the best way to use the tool
B. Everyone who may eventually have some use for the tool
C. The independent testing team
D. The vendor contractor to write the initial scripts

Q.39: During which test activity could faults be found most cost effectively?
A. Execution
B. Design
C. Planning
D. Check Exit criteria completion

Q. 40: What is the difference between testing software developed by contractor outside your
country, versus testing software developed by a contractor within your country?
A. Does not meet people needs
B. Cultural difference
C. Loss of control over reallocation of resources
D. Relinquishment of control


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